Gingivitis: A Sign It's Time To Take Better Care Of Your Oral Health

Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease where your gums may become red and swollen. They may also bleed easily during brushing or flossing. If you are experiencing gingivitis, it's time to take control over your oral health. Gingivitis can lead to more serious gum disease, called periodontitis, a much more difficult condition to treat.

Bleeding Gums are an Indication of Early Gum Disease

Healthy gums don't bleed during regular brushing and flossing. If your gums are bleeding, plaque and tartar left on your teeth allow harmful bacteria to build up. This causes your gums to become tender and swollen. Since this is mild gum disease, it can be reversed with regular cleanings and routine visits to your dentist's office. If your gums have been bleeding recently, you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist to get your gums back to a healthy state.

Ignoring Gingivitis Leads to Bigger Problems

If you simply do nothing for your bleeding gums and they continue to get ravaged by bacteria, you will develop periodontitis. You may begin to experience some of the following symptoms if you have gum disease:

  • bad breath that you can't control
  • teeth that have become loose
  • continual red, swollen and bleeding gums
  • teeth sensitivity
  • gum loss, making your teeth appear larger

If you are a smoker, or you have diabetes, it is crucial for you to seek dental care for the above symptoms. Periodontitis causes pockets of infection in your mouth, bone loss and gum deterioration. The reason teeth become loose is because the gum disease has worn away at your gums and jaw bone, ruining the base in which your teeth are situated.

There are treatment options for people with significant periodontitis, although the longer the patient waits, the harder it will be to save the natural teeth within the mouth. Medications may be used, including oral mouthwash that helps control the bacteria in the mouth. Daily brushing and flossing must occur, and numerous visits to the dentist for deep cleaning and scaling to remove built-up plaque and tartar will be necessary.

While many people ignore the dentist because of fear, ignoring the signs of early gum disease is only going to lead to future visits to the dentist's office that are less than pleasant. It is important to take of the first signs of gum disease right away, before they become more serious and difficult to treat. For more information, contact Neu Family Dental Center or a similar location.
