Be Prepared! Protecting Your Teeth During An Outdoor Adventure

Colorado Springs is a great vacation destination for adventure seekers. There are tons of activities such as rock climbing and horseback riding, and the pleasant climate makes outdoor fun a year-round experience. When you are on the trail, probably one of the last things that you are thinking of is your dental health. However, taking care of your smile is important, even in the rugged outdoors. Here are some ways to protect your pearly-whites, even when you are on an adventure.

1. Don't forget your toothbrush. Sometimes, the easiest foods to eat on the trail are ones that are terrible for your teeth. Dried fruits, peanut butter, and chewy granola may be great sources of energy for your adventure, but they are also loaded with sugars that can stick to your teeth, leading to cavities. Remembering to pack your toothbrush can help you to keep your teeth clean and cavity-free, even when you are far from home.

2. Drink lots of water. Not only is it important to stay hydrated during a hike, but drinking water regularly is also a great way to wash away food particles that may be left behind in between meals and brushing. 

3. Wear a mouthguard while climbing or rafting. Using a mouthguard is a great way to protect your teeth from a fall or accidental bump while you are rock climbing or rafting. Mouthguards are designed to keep your teeth from being chipped or knocked out upon impact, making them a valuable resource during an adventurous weekend trip.

4. Understand dental first aid. While you are packing a first aid kit for your trip, don't forget to consider first aid materials for dental injuries as well. In addition to packing things like medicine, gauze, and bandages, consider adding an emergency tooth preservation kit. This can help you to save a tooth if it is accidentally knocked out.

5. Know how to contact a local dentist. In the case of a dental injury, timing is very important. The faster you are able to get to a dentist, the more likely that your tooth can be saved or repaired without complications. If you are on vacation, you may not be anywhere near your family dentist. Instead, make sure that you have contact information for a local dentist that you can call in an emergency.

While outdoor adventures can be fun, when it comes to your teeth, it is best to always be prepared, and these tips can be useful no matter where you're taking your vacation. 
