Oral Injuries And Problems: When It Is Time To Call The Dentist?

Mouth injuries can occur at anytime. Whether you are playing sports, chewing on food, or have an unexpected pain going on, there are times when it is best to call the dentist. Not every oral problem warrants a dental visit. It is important to distinguish which problems require a call to the dentist and which can be taken care of at home. It can be a pain to have to schedule a visit to the dentist when you already have a busy schedule, but if you don't, you could end up facing more problems with your mouth. Here are signs that signify a call to your local dentist. 

Broken or Chipped Tooth

Typically a broken or chipped tooth is a result of an accident or eating hard food. While it does not normally result in a lot of pain, the sharp edge could end up cutting your mouth. In order to take care of the tooth and hopefully salvage it, you want to schedule a dental visit immediately. If you can't get to the dentist because of off hours, you want to try and preserve the tooth in a cup of milk. 

Bleeding of Gums

It is fairly common to have bleeding gums every so often if you are brushing too hard. If you start to see it occurring every time you brush, this could be a sign of gingivitis. If you allow gingivitis to go untreated, you could be looking at periodontal disease. About 75% of Americans have some form of gum disease during their lifetime. When you start to see signs that include bleeding gums, swollen gums, receding gums, and more, this is a good indication that you need to visit your dentist. 

Recurrent Bad Breath

There are going to be times when your breath smells less than stellar. While you would expect this to happen in the mornings and after eating certain foods, you shouldn't have continuous bad breath all the time. If you do, this could be a sign of poor oral hygiene or a respiratory tract infection.

If neither of these seem to be the case, ongoing bad breath could be a sign of something more severe. There are several systematic illnesses that have bad breath as a symptom. These include diabetes, liver disease, sinus disease, kidney disease, and more. If you struggle with ongoing bad breath, it is important you contact your dentist to make sure it isn't a symptom of something worse. 

For more information on preserving your dental heath, contact a dentist like Christopher L. Schneider, DMD.
