3 Possible Reasons Why Your Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed

Some people can go through their entire lives without even knowing that their wisdom teeth are there. Unfortunately, for many others, they have problems with those extra set of molars almost as soon as they start to come in. If you are among the latter group of people, there are a few possible reasons why you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed.

1.  Gums Surrounding the Teeth Are Inflamed

When your wisdom teeth first start to poke through your gums, you may have a little bit of discomfort and inflammation, and this is typically normal. However, if the wisdom teeth are emerging at an odd angle or if they do not fully break through the gums, the inflammation can become constant, leading to a condition known as pericoronitis.

If you develop pericoronitis, the inflammation only becomes worse over time. The partial piece of gum over the teeth becomes swollen and loose. And, because the gum is loose, food can become trapped underneath it, where it creates a breeding ground for bacteria that can lead to a serious infection which can spread throughout your jaw.

If this happens, your dentist will need to first treat the infection. Then, they will most likely remove your wisdom teeth to keep it from coming back.

2.  Cyst Has Developed Next to the Teeth

Another possible reason why you may need to have your wisdom teeth taken out is that a cyst has developed next to one or more of the teeth. In the beginning, the cyst may be small enough that you do not even know it is there until it shows up on an x-ray.

While the cyst can be asymptomatic, it can still cause serious problems, especially if it is allowed to remain. As the cyst grows, it will break down the gum tissue surrounding it, as well as the adjacent teeth and jawbone.

If it is not treated, the cyst could eventually start growing abnormally, causing it to turn into cancer. And, even if the cyst alone is removed, it may still return because the wisdom teeth are still present. The teeth will need to be removed along with the cyst to keep this from happening.

3.  Wisdom Teeth Have Become Impacted

When your permanent teeth come in, they usually come in fairly straight. Even if they are a little crooked, they do not usually cause any serious problems. However, because of their location in the back of your mouth, wisdom teeth often start to move sideways, causing them to become impacted.

If your wisdom teeth are impacted, they will start to push and crowd out your other teeth. As they continue to grow in, the pressure from the teeth will most likely make you experience symptoms, such as pain and gum irritation.

Even if you do not experience any obvious symptoms from your impacted wisdom teeth, the abnormal growth pattern can lead to an infection known as an abscess. When you have an abscess, a pocket of infection forms below the gum line that can cause swelling and pain.

If not treated, the pocket of pus and bacteria could enter the bloodstream, spreading the infection to other parts of your body. If you have developed an abscessed tooth on your impacted wisdom teeth, it will need to be drained and treated before the teeth can be removed.

Even if you do not have the above conditions, if your wisdom teeth are causing you to have any symptoms, such as pain or difficulty eating, you may need to have them taken out. Schedule an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible so that they can determine the cause of your symptoms and discuss the possibility of having your wisdom teeth extracted.
