What You Need To Know About Invisalign And Bruxism

Invisalign has come far in the last few years. No matter what your age, you can benefit from undergoing Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth. But if you suffer from bruxism (nighttime teeth grinding), you may question whether Invisalign treatment is right for you.

Fortunately, in most cases, patients with bruxism can undergo Invisalign treatment. This article will cover all the important aspects of undergoing Invisalign treatment even if you have bruxism.

Bruxism can damage Invisalign aligners

The first issue that bruxism sufferers worry about is the damage that teeth grinding may cause to their aligners. Because Invisalign aligners are made of thin plastic, grinding your teeth at night can damage them. And removing the aligners before you sleep isn't an option because you need to wear each Invisalign aligner for most hours of the day.

Even though bruxism can wear out Invisalign aligners faster than normal, the damage may not be severe enough to break an aligner and interrupt your treatment. Since you only wear each aligner for a short time, minor bruxism may not be a problem. And your orthodontist can make two sets of each aligner for you. Making two sets of each aligner means that if the first aligner breaks, you'll have a ready replacement.

Invisalign aligners can cushion teeth against bruxism

Although Invisalign aligners are thinner and less robust than typical night guards used for bruxism, they can still provide some protection for teeth at night. As you grind your teeth, the plastic will act as a cushion. However, this doesn't mean that you can use an Invisalign aligner instead of a bruxism night guard.

Invisalign treatment treats one of the main causes of bruxism

One of the main causes of bruxism is teeth misalignment. If your teeth are misaligned, your jaw will move while you sleep as it seeks to find a comfortable resting position. This movement causes your teeth to grind together. Since Invisalign treats tooth misalignment, it can also help treat bruxism.

Traditional braces may be the best option if you have severe bruxism

If you suffer from severe bruxism, then traditional braces are a better option for you than Invisalign. Severe bruxism can quickly damage Invisalign aligners, leading to delays in your treatment and added cost, as you need to replace each damaged aligner. Traditional braces can withstand the symptoms of severe bruxism better than Invisalign aligners can. And you can also wear a night guard with traditional braces.

For more information about Invisalign orthodontics, contact a local provider.
