Smart Choices While Eating Out: Prevent Cavities With These 4 Dental-Friendly Drinks

Even with a plethora of beverage options available when eating out, you may have difficulty finding drinks that aren't bad for your teeth. Most soft drinks, with their sugary and acidic contents, increase your likelihood of developing cavities. But there are still many dental-friendly beverage options that you can incorporate into your diet before your next dental clinic visit. The next time you go out to eat, order one of the four beverages below to reduce your risk of getting cavities.

Dangerous Cavities: A Natural Remedy For A Toothache

About 92 percent of adults between the ages of 20 to 64 have cavities in their teeth. And a big chunk of these adults leave their oral ailment untreated. But leaving your dental caries untreated can lead to issues that you want to avoid. The following guide will show you a few signs that your tooth may be in danger of decay and what you can do if you're suffering from some of the symptoms, like a toothache.

3 Ways Periodontists Assess The Severity Of Gum Disease

When you go to the periodontist at a clinic like Cumberland Periodontal Associate for an assessment, your practitioner will perform a full examination to determine the severity of your gum disease symptoms. Gum disease starts in the first stage, called gingivitis, and progresses to advanced periodontitis in the fourth and final stage. After this point, you could start to lose teeth and require dental implants to fix the damage. With an assessment of the gum disease stage, your periodontist can enact a treatment plan designed to reverse the damage and reduce the chance of complications.

Three Issues To Consider When Deciding About Regular Braces Or Invisalign For Teens

If your teenager needs to get braces, the default option is pretty much regular braces -- the rows of brackets cemented to the teeth and connected by wires. But having braces like this can be restrictive, especially for a teen. Removable retainer-style braces like Invisalign have become more common for teens, though, and these could be a lot easier for the teen to use. Here are three things to consider as you decide which type of braces might be better for your teen.

Don't Break The Bank For A New Smile: 3 Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Options

It isn't uncommon to be unhappy with your smile. Whether it is discolored or broken teeth, it is possible to improve your smile. You just need to turn to a local cosmetic dentist for assistance, and you can do this without having to worry about sending your checking account into the negative. You can check out a site like http://accentdentalnwi.com/ for more information. Here are three cosmetic dentistry options that can effectively restore your damaged smile without breaking the bank: